Friday, April 23, 2010

Weekend once again

I don't really know why , but time is really flying all the time for me. This 1st year of me being a student is 3/4 of the way over and it was just like yesterday when I landed on Copenhagen airport and had no idea how i had to get to my dorm room. Didn't really know what to expect from this country, student life and my soon to be new roommates. In short what happened was that 1st semester was awesome and 2nd one was more like a depressing mess. And here we come to the 23rd of April and my 3rd blog post.

It's again the weekend and it will pass quite quickly and then another week will pass fast enough not to remember anything and so on until summer. For many people weekends are the best thing ever invented , but for me most of the times they are borrrrrring as hell. As opposed to the weekends in my 1st semester when i was out almost every Friday and/or Saturday , this semester I've probably gone out no more than a few times. It's not only not going out at night , but the fact that i have nothing to do here that makes it boring . My plans would be me going for a run in the morning, cooking something to eat for the day and rest of the time just loosing my time on the Internet looking at whatever mediocre(at best) things i can find. These would be Saturday and Sunday for me. Highlights may be if somebody remembers to chat to me or i take the initiative and talk to someone.

On a different note that free time has made go more into book reading. Yeah i know a young-ish person reading long formed narratives ,aka novels and books, in the Internet age :O I'm quite excited to read books because frankly there are so many awesome ones out there. So many in fact that i have no idea what to get. Last book i read was "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy which talks about a post apocalyptic scenario and the journey of a guy and his kid. I really enjoyed the book and really disliked the movie based on it. Now i'm reading "black house" by Stephen King and Peter Straub and i kinda stuck at one place and haven't read for awhile.

Ok this is all for now and i hope i didn't bore you my one and only reader. Yes mister Lunario i'm talking to you :P


  1. Firstly, the Followers List says you already got two readers. :D It took me weeks to get as much as two readers, so I'd say your blog is going fine. :)

    Secondly, nope, you did not bore me. :)

    Although I do not find my weekends boring, I neither do things like partying or just going out. I never made those experiences at all. So you are beyond me in this, and I can't tell if it's fun or not to go out on the weekend.

    You wrote that you did not know "what to expect of this country". If I may ask, where did you live before?

    Reading is great! :D I'm currently (still) reading Stephen King's "The Stand".

  2. Ouu yeah i have a new follower :O This is so amazing , would have never thought that in such a short time i'd have 2 followers (party).

    As for parties hmmm what can i tell you . I've been to a fair share , but have never really been a party guy so i'f say they tend to be overrated. USually when somebody says "most amazing party ever" it's rarely any good :P So don't worry not missing out on much imo.

    For the country i think i'd keep that a secret for now , for anonymity sake.(even tho with 2 readers i cannot worry just yet). EU country would suffice for now i guess.

    With Stephen King i have a bit of a love-hate relationship. Some book are really great and some have some parts that are dreadful to read thru.

  3. hey daniel,

    read and write, best combination.

    seems like you have another reader. And as you can see, another follower. Very interesting blog for an interesting guy. Doesn't bore me at all. I also started my blog just this April. Hope to be blogging buddies. (I sounded like I wanted to get into your life. *stalker* haha)

    I'll post your link on my blog. hope you could do the same. It helps with the "marketing" of our blogs.

