Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vacation , break , birthday

This post was originally going to be about what i was thinking of Denmark, danish people and everything Denmark related i could think of. I thought this could be interesting to someone. For now i'm going to postpone this post for a later time.  It would probably come in a week or two if somebody is interested. 

My next proper post would probably come around Tuesday next week , but for now i cannot promise anything. It's not because i'd be all that super busy , but more like the dorms in which i'm going to be are probably the only ones in the world that don't have a wi-fi. It's a system in which you have to sign in each computer separately *rolls eyes* . In the library they also have some dedicated system *rolls eyes*^2 . Also for me it's very weird how developed countries are so unwilling to give you free wi-fi access in their cities. Back home in a big city you can always find free connections.

When i come back i'd love to see some comments and if i have new followers for some reason GREAT , if they also comment even GREATER !!!

Send some good thoughts to the plane so i'll have a safe flight tomorrow  :P See you when i see you :)


  1. hope you have a safe and fun trip. I'm pretty sure you'll do. enjoy :)

  2. I'd love to read your observations on life in Denmark. No wi-fi in the dorms sounds like a way of keeping better control of your access.

  3. I hope you had a nice flight. Enjoy your time in London! :)

  4. @ Jack Thank you for that
    @ Billy My next post probably tomorrow would be about that
    @ Lunarion Flight was nice , London was GREAT !!
